
Most photos on the site are taken with a Canon S30 (see picture above). There is now a short review of the S30 on the Reviews page.

From 2004-09-19 and onwards the pictures are taken with a Olympus C-765.

From 2005-12-26 and onwards the pictures are taken with mostly with a Nikon D50.

Note that all pictures on the site are reduced in resolution to conserve space. If you want a high resolution version of any of the photos send me an email. 


[Easter weekend 2002] [Filippa 2002-04-01] [Valborg 2002] [Baby 2002-05-03]
[Saturday 2002-06-01] [Sunday 2002-06-02] [Sebastian 2002-06-07] [Sunday 2002-06-09]
[Midsummer 2002-06-21] [Åland 2002-07-07] [Jönköping 2002-07-23] [Wehörn 2002-07-30]
[Weekend 2002-08-04] [Weekend 2002-08-18] [Christening 2002-08-24] [Eating 2002-09-05]
[On a bench 2002-09-25] [Alexander 2002-10-22] [Toothbrush 2002-10-29] [Halloween 2002-11-02]
[Alex 2002-11-14] [Alex bath 2002-11-17] [Switzerland 2002-11-30] [Christmas 2002-12-24]
[Wehörn 2002-12-29] [New Years 2002-12-31] [House 2003-01-04] [Wedding 2003-01-12]
[Morning 2003-01-28] [PG 60 years 2003-03-30] [Alex birthday 2003-05-02] [Boat trip 2003-05-18]
[Weekend 2003-06-01] [Midsummer 2003-06-20] [West-coast 2003-07-08] [Summer day 2003-07-18]
[Gran Canaria 2003-11-14] [Christmas 2003-12-24] [Easter 2004-04-10] [Alex Birthday 2004-05-02]
[Kolmården 2004-05-20] [Wehörn 2004-05-30] [Baby Birthday 2004-09-19] [The day after 2004-09-20]
[Emelie & Alex 2004-09-27] [Weekend 2004-10-03] [Weekend 2004-10-10] [Weekend 2004-10-31]
[Weekend 2004-11-05/06] [Weekend 2004-11-14] [Bath 2004-11-20] [Weekend 2004-11-28]
[Weekend 2004-12-19] [Christmas eve 2004-12-24] [New years eve 2004-12-31]  

Copyright © 2002  Daniel Hedström. All rights reserved.
Revised: oktober 27, 2006 .