
2006-02-26 Anna & baby.
2006-02-25 Welcome home.
2006-02-24 Later that same day, and a closeup.
2006-02-24 Our new baby boy is born, here he is about 3 hours old.
2006-02-06 Emelie and Alexander playing in the bathtub.
2006-02-04 Alexander in the morning sun, and Emelie in a hat.
2006-02-03 Crazy?
2006-01-17 Eating.
2006-01-15 Nice hair?
2006-01-14 Two spoons.
2006-01-03 Knäckebröd.
2005-12-28 Strangle him Kjell.
2005-12-27 Movement.
2005-03-27 Alla dressed up.
2005-03-25 Alexander and PG.
2005-03-21 Happy Emelie.
2005-03-13 On the ice.
2005-03-06 Emelie and Alexander.
2005-02-12 Emelies baptism.
2005-02-10 Anna and Emelie.
2005-01-31 Emelie with blue eyes (eating).
2005-01-23 Alex feeding Emelie
2005-01-14 Emelie took a bath and got dried.
2004-12-25 Emelie on Christmas day.
2004-12-03 Alexander baking cookies.
2004-12-02 Alexander & Daniel has a waterfight.
2004-09-19 Baby girl born, look in the Baby Birthday album and Day after album.
2004-05-30 Spent the weekend and Wehörn.
2004-05-23 Alex tried his dads old hat and we visited Filippa.
2004-05-20 We visited Kolmården zoo with Anna, Jesper and Kasper.
2004-05-02 Alexander had his second birthday!
2004-04-10 Easter album!
2004-03-16 Alex shows of his lego construction.
2004-02-15 Alex talks to a gnome and likes it.
2003-12-24 Christmas album!
2003-10-25 Alex tries moms hat and takes a standing dinner.
2003-10-04 Alex shows of his hairdo.
2003-08-31 Alexander learned how to read and then played in a box.
2003-08-26 Alexander played on the stairs.
2003-08-09 Alexander ate and sat in a chair.
2003-07-18 Spent a summer day on wehörn.
2003-07-08 Vacation in the west-coast village Fiskebäckskil.
2003-06-20 Midsummer's-eve at Wehörn.
2003-06-01 Nice weekend at home and Wehörn.
2003-05-25 Visited Jenny & Jonas, Alexander tried out their beach
2003-05-18 Daniel went on a weekend boat trip with Jonas, Henrik and Robert. 
2003-05-02 Alexander turned 1 year!
2003-04-20 We visited Annas parents for Easter. Alex tried his new present from grandma Maria and played with Sven-Åke.   
2003-04-15 Some photos of Alex playing with his pajamas, under the stairs and eating
2003-04-12 We visited Annies 2-year birthday party. Alexander played with Annies new toy-tunnel.  
2003-04-07 New stats for Alexander!
2003-03-30 We celebrated PGs 60th birthday at Vedhörn.
2003-03-22 We visited Henrik & Kristina and ate waffles in their new house.
2003-03-16 Great weather and great ice, Daniel & PG tried it out.
2003-03-09 We visited the Ulriksdal Greenhouse & Café.
2003-03-06 Alex has grown some more..
2003-03-02 Alexander turned 10 months, and can almost walk!
2003-02-21 Visited Anna & Magnus and got a first look at Hampus.
2003-02-17 Anna 'skiing'.
2003-02-12 Alex is getting pretty good at standing up.
2003-02-08 We took a walk in the sunshine.
2003-02-05 Alexander grew some more and got to experience snow close up for the first time.
2003-01-22 Alexander learned how to crawl! Or at least sort of a shuffle..
2003-01-21 Added albums for Wehörn after Christmas, New years eve, some pictures from our new house and Daniels cousin Rickards wedding
2003-01-19 Our web site is now up and running on the new address! Also added a Christmas album and new stats for Alexander. More Christmas, new year and house pictures coming shortly.
2002-12-03 Alexander has broken the 8kg boundary!
2002-11-30 Anna and Alexander visited Jenny & Marc in Switzerland. Check out the pictures.
2002-11-17 Alexander took a bath.
2002-11-14 Added a new album.
2002-11-07 Alexander is till growing!
2002-11-02 Spent Halloween weekend at Vedhörn. Alexander turned 6 months!
2002-10-29 Alex brushed his (2) teeth!
2002-10-25 We've sold our apartment! Instead we are moving to a house in a newly developed area called Silverdal.
2002-10-22 Added a new album in the photo section.
2002-10-16 Alexanders second tooth!!
2002-10-06 Alexanders first tooth!
2002-10-04 Alexander has grown a little more, he's now broken the 7kg boundary.
2002-10-01 Since Anna had a bad back Daniel took Alexander for a walk, he looked a little worried.. 
2002-09-25 Alexander sat on a bench in the sunshine.
2002-09-21 Anna visited her grandma and granddad in Lidköping, Annas mom Maria was there too! 
2002-09-13 New Alexander measurements.
2002-09-05 More eating..
2002-09-01 First time Alex ate 'solid' food.
2002-08-30 Alexander is a little heavier and a little taller.
2002-08-24 Alexander was christened at Annas parents house in Jönköping. There are some pictures here.
2002-08-18 Jenny and Jonas visited us at Vedhörn. Took some pictures of Emma.
2002-08-12 Daniel's sister Jenny turned old (30)!
2002-08-04 Invited some friends to Wehörn for the weekend
2002-08-02 Back from vacation, Alexander is now 3 months old and has grown to 63 cm and 5870g. Here are some shots from the Jönköping/Lidköping part of the vacation and here are some from the Wehörn part.
2002-07-07 Spent the weekend with Tove & Tommy and Anna & Magnus at Tove's summer house on Åland. Check out the Åland album.
2002-07-02 Alexander is now 2 months old!
2002-06-30 First round of real golf after getting our green cards, Daniels new handicap is an impressive 49! Annas handicap is still an impressive 54! Gunnel took care of Alexander who was on his best behavior.
2002-06-28 Daniels parents came by for dinner and to have a look at Alexander, PG held him for the first time, and managed not to drop him!
2002-06-27 Alexander keeps growing, 4915g and 58.8cm.
2002-06-26 A bath, a visit from Anita, falling asleep in front of the TV and a goodnight kiss.
2002-06-22 Rickard & Petra came for a visit.
2002-06-21 Celebrated Midsummer with Henrik & Kristina, Erik & Carina and Jonas and Maria who also arranged lunch dinner and activities, everything was great except maybe the weather.. check out the Midsummer album
2002-06-17 A visit to the BVC, new measurements, 4735g and 58cm.
2002-06-09 Played Kubb all day, check out the 2002-06-09 album. 
2002-06-07 Visited Jönköping and celebrated Sebastians graduation. Check out the the Sebastian graduation album. 
2002-06-03 Another visit to the BVC. Alexander is now 4385g heavy, 57cm long and has a head circumference of 37.8.
2002-06-02 Visited Vedhörn, check out the 2002-06-02 album. Alexander turned one month!
2002-06-01 Had dinner at Anna & Magnus house together with Jenny & Jonas. Check out the 2002-06-01 album.
2002-05-29 First round of golf! If the course would have been sloped I'm sure I would have lowered my handicap to about 53..
2002-05-28 Alexander has grown again! He's now 4210g heavy, which is average, 56.5cm tall, which is slightly above average and the circumference of his head is 37.5, which is slightly below average. So he's a tall, small headed guy of average build.
2002-05-26 Celebrated Mothers Day with my parents, sister and Marcus.
2002-05-24 Attended my grandmothers funeral, a sad occasion, but it was nice to meet all my relatives. I hope the next time we meet it's for a wedding!
2002-05-21 He's growing, 3995g and 55.5cm according to today's visit at the BVC.
2002-05-20 Daniel's last day off, tomorrow its back to work. We spent the afternoon at the driving range with Henrik & Kristina trying to improve our swing (yes I know, my left arm is bent). Alexander wore his golf overall to show his support.
2002-05-19 Jenny, Jonas and Emma finally came by! Jenny and Anna exchanged babies for a while.
2002-05-18 Visited Jonas & Maria in their new apartment in Hammarby Sjöstad. Jonas claimed to have a good hand with children and puppies, and when put to the test Alexander seemed to approve. We ate a barbeque dinner with Henrik, Kristina and Filippa, and Dan, Sara and their son Viktor.
2002-05-17 Saw the Swedish national soccer team loose to Paraguay with 1-2 at Råsunda soccer stadium. Not a good game, but I did see a celebrity, Ingvar Carlsson, former prime-minister of Sweden was sitting just 4 seats away.  
2002-05-16 Went for a drive in the nice weather. Ate lunch in Sigtuna.
2002-05-15 We finally decided on a name, Alexander, full name Per Alexander Hedström.
2002-05-14 First day with no visitors!
2002-05-13 Anders, Madde and Annie came by to look at the baby, Anders taught Annie how to eat After-Eights
2002-05-12 Second bath, and an opportunity to explore new ways to dry a baby. Daniels parents came for a visit, and grandma finally got a chance to hold him.
2002-05-11 Picnic in Hagaparken. Invited for dinner at Robert & Ann-Sofies, Anna fell asleep on the couch, still not quite recuperated. 
2002-05-09 Anna's family, Maria, Sven-Åke, Sebastian, Viktoria, Kristoffer and Fia came for a visit. Guess who was at the center of attention
2002-05-08 First bath at home. First tour to Solna Centrum in the baby carriage. Anna & Magnus Wallin came to visit.
2002-05-07 Had our first visit at the BVC today, and he now weighs 3405g, and is 53cm long. Which would mean he has grown 3cm in 5 days. An astonishing feat! I'm not much for conspiracies, but I suspect that one of the two measurements is not quite accurate. And yes, he peed on the nurse. Later that afternoon the last piece of umbilical cord fell off. Henrik, Kristina and Filippa came by, here is a totally spontaneous shot of both babies.
2002-05-06 First time a visitor got to hold him, and a little more eye-contact, and a little more crying..
2002-05-05 Hurray, home at last!! We had a good stay at the maternity ward, but it was really good to come home. Anna is fine, the baby is fine and the all important breastfeeding seems to be working ok. So we expect easy sailing until puberty!  
2002-05-04 We were hoping to go home today, but the baby has what we in Sweden call 'gulsot'. A common affliction in newborn children which causes a yellowish skin tone, that's why he looks like he has such a nice tan. Testing showed that it is not worsening so we'll hopefully be going home tomorrow, oh, and by the way, he's not just sleeping anymore.. it turns out he does know how to cry..
2002-05-03 Our baby son was born May 2, 2002 at 5:16 in the morning. He weighs in at 3565g and is 50cm long, name not yet decided. We were not surprised at all when the doctors and nurses on duty said he was the most beautiful baby they had ever seen! Check out the Baby 2002-05-03 album.
2002-04-30 Valborg barbeque at Tommy and Tove's house where we got our first glimpse of Jenny & Jonas baby Emma! There are some photos in the Valborg album. 
2002-04-01 Visited Henrik & Kristina and the newest member of their family Filippa
2002-03-31 Jenny and Jonas came over for diner, hopefully the last time we see each other before their big day..
2002-03-30 On Easter weekend we visited Daniel's mom & dad at Vedhörn, it was Anna, me and my sister Jenny and, her boyfriend Marcus. We ate well and did some manual labor, but mostly we ate well..
2002-03-17 We were treated to great homemade semlas by Tove, Tommy & Ebba. 
Anders, Madde and Annie invited us over for a feast, roast beef and wine .  
2002-03-16 Dinner at Vickan's. Anna helped with the food, Fia entertained, and Kristoffer relaxed.
2002-03-07 Visited the boat show 'Allt för Sjön' at Stockholmsmässan with Henrik. We realized that what we wanted we could not afford. But we did buy some diving masks.
2002-03-02 Dinner at Jenny & Jonas. Great Greek food and a good movie. Anna drove home in the snowstorm .

Copyright © 2002  Daniel Hedström. All rights reserved.
Revised: februari 26, 2006 .